Archive for December 2012

The most foods that make us will get stink on our body and breath

Monday 24 December 2012 · Posted in ,

Food is our needed. Healthy foods are our needed too. But sometimes we didn’t release that every food that we have consumed could make us get stink on our body. “sigh” what’s cause? Here, I am going to tell you what are kinds of food all of them and absolutely give solution to overcome the stink smell in our body.
how to solve or prevent body odor or smell bad, stink in our body.
Body Odor
Here they are some foods that could make our body get the bad smell. Probably, you didn’t think it before that these foods included in that causes.
First is Garlic and Onion.
Garlic and onion are kinds of spices that have a strong aroma. Commonly, they would produce the sulfur gas that absorbed by our blog by lung and pores. This could make us get the bad stink.

Alcohol and Caffeine
Even though, consuming alcohol and caffeine have become our habit. By reducing and managing to consume that stuffs could get fresh body smell also. 

Smoke of the cigarette or tobacco is one of the stuffs could make us get bad smell too. Tobacco that we have burnt would be absorbed by our sweat glands will cause body odor by getting out with our sweat

Actually, they are only some. And there are much more. Now, how to solve or prevent body odor or smell bad, stink in our body. We have to drink much water mineral. Also we should eat a lot of fruits such as : apples, strawberries, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, pineapple, banana, and etc. If we could managing our foods, we don’t need afraid of bad smells or our body odor that caused by those foods. Moreover, you don’t need to speed much money to buy perfume/deodorant. 

Thanks for reading. Give comment, if you don't mind. I will visit back your site.
Best regard "Ady"

Tips for Insomnia and How to cure Insomnia with healthy foods (Cara mengatasi insomnia dengan mengkonsumsi makanan sehat)

Saturday 1 December 2012 · Posted in ,

Insomnia is symptom of sleep disorder. In the same way description like, the person wants to sleep but they got difficulty to fall asleep. So the suffer sometime need to consume sleeping pills or others medicine to make they fall asleep.
Insomnia on your sleep
Insomnia is symptom of sleep disorder. In the same way description like, the person wants to sleep but they got difficulty to fall asleep. So the suffer sometime need to consume sleeping pills or others medicine to make they fall asleep. Actually, by consuming the pills are not good for our health, because the chemical substance that contained on the pills would make us addicted of it

Hence, I would like to share my experience to solve this problem by consuming the healthy foods. Of course, the foods which I would mention are easy to find around us. I have proved this all to myself. As the matter of fact, they are all could make you sleep well by often consuming that foods.

  • Drinking Milk
Before you would sleep, it’s better for you to drink a cup of milk whether warm or cold. It is really recommended for people who got insomnia. The milk has a lot of calcium which could make us calm.

Before you would sleep, it’s better for you to drink a cup of milk whether warm or cold. It is really recommended for people who got insomnia. The milk has a lot of calcium which could make us calm.
  • Eating Bananas
The potassium, sodium, and magnesium, could also make us get calming effect too. We had better to consume this fruit by the often time.

Did you know? Bananas is kind of fruits which has high Energy (sodium, calories, glucose), Mineral (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus). If we want to compare with other fruit of course the bananas is the high one for the vitamins. The potassium, sodium, and magnesium, could also make us get calming effect too. We had better to consume this fruit by the often time.
  • Eating Wheat
Of course all of you know that wheat contains of a lot of proteins and magnesium which could help us to reduce insomnia. Making kinds of food that have basic dough of wheat is very appropriate for people who got insomnia.
Of course all of you know that wheat contains of a lot of proteins and magnesium which could help us to reduce insomnia. Making kinds of food that have basic dough of wheat is very appropriate for people who got insomnia.
  • Eating Pecan
Pecan also could help us to cure insomnia. Pecan contains of vitamins B6 which is very useful to make calm our nerve system.

Pecan also could help us to cure insomnia. Pecan contains of vitamins B6 which is very useful to make calm our nerve system.
  • Eating Celery
Celery is kind of vegetables which has multifunction. Beside celery could be additional as flavoring others foods such as chicken noodle, meat ball, pizza, and so on. The vitamins of celery could reduce our stiff nerve. The function of this celery is making cool signal to have nice sleep.

Celery is kind of vegetables which has multifunction. Beside celery could be additional as flavoring others foods such as chicken noodle, meat ball, pizza, and so on. The vitamins of celery could reduce our stiff nerve. The function of this celery is making cool signal to have nice sleep.

That’s all from me. Thanks for reading my article, leave your comment and I will visit your back. Back to natural it the best way for our life.

Insomnia adalah sebuah gejala susah tidur yang dialami oleh seseorang. Penderita insomnia ini cenderung mengalami kebiasaan yang lain di bandingkan orang pada umumnya. Kerap kali orang yang insomnia mengkonsumsi pill penenang atau obat tidur untuk menenangkan syaraf-syaraf yang bekerja pada tubuh.
Gejala ini disebabkan biasanya dikarenakan banyaknya pikiran, atau bisa jadi karena kurang terkontrolnya pola makan dan mengkonsumsi makanan yang dapat membangkitakan sel kerja saraf kita. Contohnya: mengkonsumsi kopi, teh, coklat dan lain-lain yang mengandung kafeein. Dapet menyebabkan saraf kita berkerja lebih keras dan secara otomatis menambah daya kerja detakan jantung kita. 

Berikut saya member tips yang sehat dan aman seputar makanan yang mengandung vitamins dan gizi yang baik untuk kesehatan yang dimana mempunyai fungsi untuk menenangkan semua syaraf-syaraf yang tegang.

  • Minum Susu
Susu merupakan minuman segar yang mengandung banayak vitamin dan nilai gizi yang tinggi yang baik buat kesehatan. Baik dikonsumsi panas maupun dingin. Akan tetapi susu yang berkualitas biasanya susu yang steril atau susu yang belum tercampuri gula dan bahan pengawet lainnya.
  • Makan Buah Pisang
Pisang merupakan suatu buah yang mengandung banyak nilai gizi dari pada buah yang lain. Jika kita lihat kita malah sering mengkonsumsi buah-buahan yang terkesan mahal, seperti appel merah dan lain-lain yang harganya mahal. Akan tetapi jika kita tau dari nilai gizinya masih kalah dengan pisang. Tentunya kita sering tidak sadar bahwasanya buah-buahan yang tumbuh di sekitar kita mengandung gizi lebih tinggi dari pada buah-buahan yang identik dengan harga yang mahal dan terbungkus secara exclusive. Namun, pisang menyimpan lebih banyak gizi.

Buktinya kerap sekali kita sering melihat makanan bayi, atau pun susu ibu menyusui banyak yang menggunakan bahan dasar pisang sebagai bahan utama. Dan para ahli menyatakan bahwasanya pisang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizi kita secara cepat. Sehingga akan lebih mudah untuk menenangkan saraf-saraf yang tegang.
  • Banyak mengkonsumsi gandum
Tak jarang kita mendengar gandum sebagai makanan pokok orang-orang barat. Ternyata gandum mengandung banyak nilai gizi daripada beras. Dan tentunya baiksekali gandum jika kita konsumsi. Karena kandungan protein dan magnesium dapat memenuhi kebutuhan yang diperlukan tubuh kita untuk menjalankan proses pemasakan bahan makanan. Sehingga akan memermudah kinerja syaraf kita.
  • Pecan dan seledri
Tentunya makanan ini juga dapat menenangkan syaraf kita. Kalau pecan berfungsi sebagai penambah vitamin B6 yang dapat melemaskan syaraf-syaraf yang tegang. Sedangkan seledri akan bekerja sebaigai suatu alat system cooling yang membuat fress syaraf otot-otot yang telah bekerja.
Demikian Tips dari saya. Mudah-mudahan dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semuanya. Satu hal yang perlu diingat tidak masalah bagi kita mengkonsumsi pill atau obat penenang akan tetapi tidak baik juga jika kita selalu mengkonsumsinya. Itu akan membuat kita menjadi pecandu obat tersebut. Kembali lagi ke pola hidup yang alami adalah jalan terbaik untuk membuat tubuh kita sehat.

by . Ady M

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