Javanese Traditional Food Getuk

Saturday 11 August 2012 · Posted in

Getuk has made from cassava, it is one of Javanese traditional food that famous in Indonesia. Everyone has known about this food. Because of cassava taste that combine with brown sugar is very delicious.

Ingredients to make Getuk

  • water to steam
  • a half of spoon salt
  • 160 kilos  granulate/ brown sugar
  • a half kilos of cassava that we have pieced
  • a half of coconut (steam) that has shredder
  • dye

 How to make it

  • peel the cassava then wash them using water so they are clean. Then now you have to cut them in a pieces for about 5 centimeters.
  • boil or steam the cassava until well done then let them cool with air.
  • mashed them till pulverized, don't forget to add sugar and dye (If you want to color the getuk, it would make to be more interesting)
  • serve it with coconut shredder
This food usually served to complete your snack, but this big snack I think, because cassava contain of a lot of carbohydrate. So it could make you full. That was very delicious food from Indonesia especially Javanese people. Just give it try ;)

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