Forget about tricks...we're all about the treats!

Saturday 17 September 2011

Hope you're all having a great weekend so far.

We're so excited that we thought we'd get ready for Halloween early this year by adding our products all the way up to October the 31st! From pumpkin earrings to miniature trick or treat necklaces, theres plenty of personalised jewellery items to get your hands on!

I've been making stock constantly lately and am starting to feel like a factory, but the end result is so cute it spurs me on to make the next. I love to look out for new ideas and was even imagining my jacket potato that I ate for lunch today sweetly hanging from the end of a chain (Although the tuna and mayo could be hard to recreate)

With jewellery that resembles food, you can never wear an outfit that it doesn't match (particulary if you build up a collection) You could wear coffee cup earrings to work, a cheeky chocolate fudge necklace on your date tonight and an iced gem bracelet to that festival at the weekend. The fashion possibilities are endless!

For Halloween, we're working on making you look the part. Our items may be cute and tasty as opposed to scaring onlookers, but we can't wait to use them as the perfect touch to our fancy dress outfits. Its beginning to get difficult thinking of food jewellery with this theme but next stop is Halloween lollypop earrings and scary looking cupcake necklaces.

Please note, we have limited stock of our Halloween jewellery products, so if you've got your eye on something, let us know.

We'd love to hear of any ideas you have for new Charm-eleon food jewellery or what you think of our products so far! Be sure to get in touch  :) xx

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