Archive for February 2012

Food, Jewellery and something unique. What more could a girl want this Valentines?

Saturday 4 February 2012 · Posted in ,

For some people, valentines day is to be avoided like the plague whether its dodging themed shop windows, temporarily ignoring those friends who are loved up, or downing a couple of bottles to celebrate your life as a singleton. However for others, valentines is something to look forward to, an excuse to be romantic once a year, or a reminder of how much you mean to each other. Here's a few ideas for the perfect way to cheer up yourself, a friend and of course a perfect hint for your loved one. 

Have your dinner and dessert all in one with our food themed rings!

It looks like this year it's going to be the coldest Valentines day ever! Its already supposed to start snowing in Brighton this weekend and yesterday it was -5! Hot chocolates and stodgy food are still on my menu untill the sun shows its face again, so recently I've had plenty of inspiration for making new foodie pieces. We've just released the first few items of our Valentines collection and as well as being yummy, these pieces are as romantic as you can get! We have everything from heart shaped waffles topped with soft pink ice cream, to a sweet spongy cupcake necklace iced with love hearts and ready to show off to the world. 

The way to a girls heart: chocolate cupcake with heart icing and waffle and ice cream necklaces!

Rich chocolate cake with a romantic twist ready to be made into jewellery

The usual Valentine's romance involves dinner, chocolates and bunches of roses, so why not add a new twist with unique food jewellery to express your love instead? We have a little something to suit everyone, whether your the romantic mushy type or looking for a unique fashion accessory. 

How are you spending this Valentines day? 

Love Charm-eleon


Unique Food of Indonesia

Thursday 2 February 2012 · Posted in

Indonesia is famous for its rich in processed foods. All types of plants and animals exist in nearly all countries the equator passes it. Let's look at the uniqueness of the food.

1. Snail Satay

Indonesia believed the snail satay as a cure, but many also consume because of their pleasures. Satay snail is just one among many other processed snails.

2. Scorpion Satay

Not only in the desert there is a scorpion. In the fertile area known as Indonesia also contained a scorpion. Some areas in Indonesia and even scorpions into the food processing in love.

3. Bake Lizard

Many people believe that eating lizards Indonesia is believed to increase male nor female sexuality

4. Rica-Rica Frog

Frog may be the favorite food in the southeast and east Asia. In Indonesia, a frog in a delicious meal cooking. Rica is another name for the chili, so rica-rica would mean a spicy chili.

5. Paniki

Paniki is the name of the bats in the area of Manado. According to them Paniki have the same flavor with chicken. How to cook anything in a way rica-rica, fried, and baked

6. Burn Mice

Mice that here is not house mice are mice that food in the form of trees and fruit trees. The locals love the food in this way in the roast.

7. Biawak

Biawak is a type of large lizard. Many were found in mountainous areas and near streams. According to them the texture of the meat is very tasty biawak, rough and quite tasty. Common Biawak cooked in rica-rica fried, fried, or just on toast.

Most Unique Japanese Food

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Are familiar with Japanese food? Japanese food is identical with raw food. Here is a Japanese food is not common in your ear.

1. Shirako

When viewed from a glance looks like a cow's gut, the gut is not a cow but it is Shirako, which is the male genitalia fish and a bag containing sperm. Shirako be a popular dish at the sushi bar. and pubs in Japan (Izakaya)

2. Inago no Tsukudani

"Inago no Tsukudani" is a traditional Japanese food is popular in the rural area of Yamagata, Nagano and Gunma. This food is made of boiled locusts in the "tsukudani", a type of soy sauce and spices plus special Japanese style.

3. Basashi

This food is famous in Kumamoto, Nagano and Oita and a common food that is also in the Tohoku region. Raw horse meat in the Japanese language "sakuraniku". "Sakura" is the name of the flower which only grows in Japan coupled with the "niku" which means flesh. But it would be "basashi" if it was served with thin slices of sashimi
4. Natto

Foods that one may already be familiar to us. Natto is fermented soy food that smells quite pungent and very sticky like spider webs are usually served for breakfast in Japan.
5. Fugu

"Fugu" is the Japanese word for pufferfish. kanji characters used to write fugu literally meaning river pig. Not that the actual river pig, just a metaphor. Fugu meat is edible, but the skin, liver and ovaries contain a deadly poison tetrododoxin. If one of these elements will be consumed the poison paralyzes the muscles while the victim remains fully conscious and could eventually die from suffocation. Japanese Restaurants can serve meat Fugu if performed by a qualified chef. So, do not even try to eat the fish if we do not have any special expertise.

6. Hachinoko

Bee larvae "Hachinoko" is a substitute for peanut snacks to satisfy your protein intake to re-indulge. Bee larvae "Hachinoko" mixed with rice flavored with soy sauce and sugar is turned into a favorite dish of the late Emperor of Japan.

7. Zazamushi

Zazamushi (insects that live in water) is the strangest food is widely available in restaurants in Japan either canned or bottled. Zazamushi was not the insect, but an insect larvae that live in the riverbed. Insects "Mushi" is located on the river makes the sound "zaazaa" as it flows.

8. Kujira & Iruca

Proof that the Japanese whale "kujira" still consumed as food in dishes such as sashimi. We do not recommend this one, because whales including protected animals and has threatened the population.

9. Shiokara

Shiokara is seafood that has been fermented with a salty flavor and fishy.

10. Shirouo no Odorigui

Shirouo is a Japanese dish with a small transparent fish eating you alive. Named Shirouo Odogui because when eaten no fish will be dancing in the mouth.

Worlds Most Expensive Foods

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For fans of the culinary food, of course, will enjoy the food taste any price. Here are some of the ingredients and cooking enough food is fairly expensive.

1. White Truffle Mushroom

White Truffle mushrooms are the most expensive mushroom in the world, the price range can reach 3000 dollars in the price of one kilogram. Have differences with other fungi that can not be matched with a solid sense. The only dish served in a little grated course in every cuisine. Certainly not the usual dishes served. Piedmont, northern Italy is the only place and only found these mushrooms harvested in the fall only. For the harvest had to be assisted by a special dog who received special training as well.

2. Saffron seasoning

Saffron is not the usual seasoning. With 1300 dollars worth per kilogram, it will make the best use of these ingredients on. This seasoning is made from the saffron crocus flower that has not bloomed, harvest and dry it had to be in a special way. 1 kilograms consists of 200,000 saffron flower buds, the saffron crop fields could be a wide field of three football fields

3. Beluga caviar Sturgeon

Susi fans surely know how to think tobiko, but not this caviar is, of course, not the usual caviar and caviar is Beluga caviar, is known as Almas caviar in Iran. It was so expensive until recently did not know the exact price. Caviar is obtained from the Beluga Sturgeon fish are already extinct in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

4. Chocolate ice cream for 3000 dollars

This dish is served at serendipity 3 restaurant in New York. The essence of this dish is a chocolate from 14 different countries, the whipped cream sprinkled with edible gold leaf, given a 23 carat gold weighing 5 grams, and beautifully presented by La Madeleine au Truffle. Are not arbitrary in the presentation, even gold-plated glass and glass are sprinkled with gold 1 carat diamond ice cream accompanies this presentation.

5. Liquor for 2.5 million dollars

The older the wine will be more tasty. This champagne is 100 years old, with a bottle of 4 kilograms of pure platinum, studded with 6500 pieces of diamond and 24 karat gold plated. This drink is named: Henri IV Dudognon Heritage. Champagne is in store for at least a century in a wooden barrel. There has been no single person who bought the bottle, let alone tasted it.

6. Hamburger for 625 dollars

This food is called FleurBurger, priced at 625 dollars per share only served at Fleur de Lys, Mandala Bay Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas. Which makes it expensive is the meat burger made entirely of Kobe beef, served with truffle sauce and foie gras, truffle brioche bread comes with. This super deluxe burgers served along with a bottle of Chateau Petrus 1990. You even get a special certificate as proof of spend 625 dollars just because you eat this burger

7. Civet Coffee

Why coffee could be so expensive ? Civet Coffee only comes from Indonesia. Civet Coffee is made from coffee beans that is eaten by a Civet. After the coffee beans is eaten, then the beans will come out in the form of feces. It sounded disgusting but a natural process that makes this coffee like no other and look for coffee lovers. After the coffee beans out in the form of feces, then cleansed, in baked, packaged and sold. Coffee of this rare exceptional priced 1300 dollars per kilogram.

about unicfood

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Welcome in unicfood ! this site builded to share informations about unique food in the world. Espesially uncommon recipes or food. Please enjoy and don't forget leave your nice comment.

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The most delicious Korean food - Unicfood

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Many Korean dishes are tempting, they are full of food tastes, benefits and nationalism. Of the many Korean foods, following the preferred cuisine is not only the Korean people but also people around the world:

1. Soondubu Jiggae

Soondubu Jiggae
The food is cooked by boiling. Soondubu Jiggae is cooked just to a serving platter. Consists of a bit of beef, fresh fish, chili powder, eggs and tofu silk. Spiciness depending on taste with increase or decrease the chilli powder. Beef here is very dominant flavor enhancer for food as.

2. Seolleongtang

Many restaurants serve this menu, because Seolleongtang is a menu favorite soup in Korea. Of all the dishes, cook Seolleongtang have a long way because they have to boil the feet or oxtail bones for hours. In addition to this there are also bone dimenu cuts of beef and horseradish. Winter is a favorite to enjoy this dish, and usually in one serving is consumed for 1 week. Both breakfast and delicious dinner Seolleongtang remains to be an option

3. Ddukbokkie

This dish is known as an evening meal in Korea. Many traders hawking Ddukbokkie with their own recipes or tastes of the buyer. Food is quite mild and most popular snacks with berbakai taste. Ddukbokkie made of boiled egg, fish cake plus a slightly spicy sweet sauce. Added rice cakes are soft and chewy and served as pain spicy.

4. Dakjuk

Dakjuk made from chicken boiled in water mixed with red onion and garlic. Then add rice and cook until chicken is cooked meat. The result, like a very thick porridge, rich in meat chicken and garlic flavor.

5. Hoeddeok

If you love the sweet taste, these foods may be required to be tried. Hoeddeok like pancakes, but how to make it more complicated sedikti. Because it is made from yeast dough that is splashed's mixed cinnamon, brown sugar, and walnuts. Everything is fried in oily container. Hoeddeok very favorite of children in Korea.

6. Yangnyeom Tongdak

Ynagnyeom Tongdak
This is Korean Fried Chicken. That's because typical Korean fried chicken with Tongdak Yangnyeom name. When you first bite, it will feel mixed with spicy sweet sauce. Then it will taste crisp and chicken is tender.

7. Japchae

When tasted, will know how delicious this dish. Initially, Japchae are popular in Korea and other countries, made without the noodles. Is a king and a chef who first made Japchae. Others with now where noodles are essential elements of this cuisine. Noodles made from sweet potatoes, which makes it a more chewy texture. Noodles along with a variety of vegetables are cooked, then blended with sauteed way.

Most extreme food in Vietnam - Unicfood

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Vietnam, this exotic country it presents some interesting things in food. If people feel disgusted, instead of Vietnam is a person who is not afraid to eat all the animals. Let's see:

1. Insect 

Vietnamese people enjoy insects as well as popcorn that tastes mild. One of the largest insectivorous tribes are Khmer ethnic. Interest in these mountains to enjoy the giant water bugs, scorpions and tarantulas. Crickets, bees and silkworm larvae are a favorite food. They fry and enjoy it with flavored.

2. Frog

Usually people only eat frogs' legs, but not for the people of Vietnam. They eat all the eviscerate and skinning first. With frying, boiling and roasting is their favorite. Nothing is wasted from these frogs including skin, intestine and others with a little seasoning.

3. Pha Lau

Pha lau very popular for people of Vietnam, served with boiled noodles really enjoyed them. Consists of the lung, kidney, liver and gut piles and other viscera. Presented in a baguette or a snack as a friend perpiring wine into their habits.

4. Dental squid (Rang MUC)

Once again the people vietnam never threw body parts of animals. Even the mouth of the squid-shaped teeth and a small part became their food. Whether baked, boiled or fried foods made popular as a snack.

5. Fetal Duck Egg

This snacks are quite popular with wine accompanied with rice. It contained not a usual eggs, harder and contains a half-formed duck fetus in it. Usually there are few signs of feathers that appear. How to eat it can be scooped out its contents and flavored like a lemon, black pepper, pickles, garlic or green chili

About Italian Food - Unicfood

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History About Italian Food

Beginning of Italian culinary culinary influences come from Ancient Greece, the Middle East and Rome. The Romans who always enjoy delicious food and quality cuisines adopted many of the colonies, for example the use of spices and sweet and sour sauce in cooking wild game meat from the Middle East. For centuries, Italian cuisine has reached the stage of completion. In the year 1533, when Catherine de Medicci French nobleman would marry King Henry II, he hired a cook in the palace of France and Italy to introduce the manufacture of cakes recipes, ingredients cream, meat cooking methods, and various kinds of vegetables such as artichokes, broccoli, and pods. This marks the beginning of the influence of Italian Haute cuisine ("haute cuisine") in France.

Some typical italian cuisine italian section is divided into northern, central, south, islands and drinks. So let's see:

Northern Italian Cuisine

Characteristic cuisine of Northern Italy from other area is the heavy use of butter rather than olive oil. Here even more rarely eaten pasta as citizens of this region consume more polenta. risotto, and a variety of hearty soup usually cooked in the winter.

Of breeding areas, especially in Emilia Romagna and Liguria produced a variety of meat products such as beef, veal, pork and lamb. While the fish, eels, ducks and wild birds is obtained from the River Po. Coasts Veneto produces many shells and my head.

1. Bagna Cauda

Bagna cauda, the name of this dish caldo blagno derived from the word meaning "hot bath". With the introduction of Piedmont cooked with garlic sauce. How to make a sauce with butter, garlic oil and fish zaitung. After the mixed heated and guests use a skewer to pierce vegetables fresh and warmed.

2. Risotto 

Risotto, spiced saffron rice from Milan. At first glance it looks like yellow rice. Milanesse style risotto made from Arborio rice cooked with beef or chicken broth. Be careful when cooking this one, because the Arborio rice cooked quickly. Unlike the rice in the country.

3. Fegatto alla Veneziana

Fegatto alla Veneziana, prepared from the liver is sliced boiled with onions, is one of the classic dishes enjoyed until now.

4. Pesto

Pesto, sauces kind of a combination of basil, olive oil, and pine nuts. Usually served with pasta. This sauce originated in Genoa.

5. Torellini

Tortellini is a delicious  pasta in the center contains the meat tastier. According to one legend of tortellini take the form of umbilical venus goddess of beauty. Which could explain the relationship of people with food italian national. Thick sauce and served with various vegetables such as peas, button mushrooms and broccoli.

6. Fagioli all’uccelletto

Italian Cuisine Middle

In Italy the center, the weather was warmer than in utaraKawasan is rich in agricultural and livestock products such as poultry, beef, pork, lamb, tomatoes, black leaf kale, chestnuts, saffron and farro.Farro is a typical type of crops that have been cultivated since ancient the Romans.

1. Abacchio al forno

Abacchio al forno, roasted lamb with rosemary from Rome.

2. Sfogliatelle

Sfogliatele is a snack that has a crunchy texture and has many layers. Sfogliatelle looks like carved shells and forming characteristics of the mountains as the top layer of cake batter. Usually filled with sweet ricotta cream, cinnamon mixture and semolina. A little candied lemon or orange are also good to add.

Southern Italian Cuisine

1. Tiella

Tiella is the name of dishes cooked in earthenware baking dishand top plate. Enjoyed with wine is a favorite of southern italiancitizen. With a touch of potato, tomato and porcini makes the dishlooks delicious.

2. Maccheroni con le sarde

macaroni with sardine sauce from Sicily.

3. Buridda

Buridda, fish soup from Sardinia


Two large Italian island, Sardinia and Sicily, has a different history with the mainland so very bervariasi.Hal culinary tradition that caused the two islands under the influence of the nations which had occupied it before it united with Sicily Italia.Masakan influenced by the Greeks, Kartaginia , Roman, Bizanine, Arab, Norman, and Sardinia under the influence of culinary Spanyol.Sementara Nation Phoenicia, Karthaginia, Roman, Bizantine, Spain and Austria.

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