Archive for September 2012

How to Make TST or Teh Susu Telur (Milk Tea Eggs), Unique Health Drink from Medan

Saturday 29 September 2012 · Posted in , ,

Tea, milk, and eggs are kinds of drink or beverage comes from Medan North Sumatra. This beverage is very famous in Medan. Actually, the recipe is simple. Because you just need Eggs, milk, and tea to make it. This beverage becomes favorite for adult people while they hang out in Saturday night, usually they drop in small drink stall for buying this drink. If we talk about the nutrition of this beverage contains many helpful vitamins,  and make our body to be strong and get more spirit. It could be one of the beverage that could make our stamina back soon, if You got tired.
 TST or Teh Susu Telur (Milk Tea Eggs)

Tea, milk, and eggs are kinds of drink or beverage comes from Medan North Sumatra. This beverage is very famous in Medan. Actually, the recipe is simple.
Because you just need Eggs, milk, and tea to make it. This beverage becomes favorite for adult people while they hang out in Saturday night, usually they drop in small drink stall for buying this drink. If we talk about the nutrition of this beverage contains many helpful vitamins,  and make our body to be strong and get more spirit. It could be one of the beverage that could make our stamina back soon, if You got tired.

Well, here they are the recipe:
2 Chicken Eggs
Mixer and Glass

TST is really unique beverage from MEDAN Sumatra Indonesia.
Teh, Susu, dan Telur (TST) Tea, Milk, and Eggs Beverage
How to make it:
Break the 2 eggs take the core or the yellow one on it. (put in the mixer and turn it on, wait until it would be more soft and fluffy)
Prepare your glass that already added by the tea.
Pour the eggs in the glass, and then add the milk. Mix well
Serve it.

Making Pecel Clover, Pecel Semanggi (semanggi; java dish of vegetables steamed with spices)

· Posted in ,

Pecel Semanggi or Clover is Surabaya’s traditional food that uses peanut or pecel seasoning as its sauce. It is called pecel semanggi, because of the primary material uses semanggi leaves. Absolutely, it was so interesting food from east java.
Pecel Semanggi or Clover

Pecel Semanggi or Clover is Surabaya’s traditional food that uses peanut or pecel seasoning as its sauce. It is called pecel semanggi, because of the primary material uses semanggi leaves. Absolutely, it was so interesting food from east java. This food looks so traditional when you made it with banana leaves as the plate (you may look at the picture).
Some of tourist would like to have this food because of the way that the seller serve is very good. In Surabaya it becomes favorite food for arek-arek suroboyo. The cheap price makes the costumes always want to have some more. Arek-arek suroboyo has dealt with this food as their favorite and traditional unique food

Here they are the recipes:
 100 grams of clover/semanggi leaves
100 grams of sprouts
3-6 rice chips
150 boiled water

Spices or seasoning that should be mashed:
100 grams of peanut (fried)
30 grams of sweet potato (steamed and mashed)
3 teaspoons of shrimp pastes
10 cayenne peppers
5 garlics
10 onions
3 lime leaves
6 red chilli
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste
Tamarind as your wish

How to make it:
Steam all of Clover or semanggi leaves.
Mash all of the seasoning and add the water (mix it well until you have combine between the vegetable and the seasoning sauce).
Serve it.

How to make fried Bakwan (junk food), Indonesian traditional food from Javanese

Friday 28 September 2012 · Posted in , , , , ,

Bakwan is also our traditional food. The fried bakwan comes from java island, this is Javanese traditional food that really famous one. You could meet this food, when you were in small food stall in our country. Actually bakwan has many kinds, there were bakwan from vegetable, sweet corn, and only bakwan sprouts.
The fried bakwan

Bakwan is also our traditional food. The fried bakwan comes from java island, this is Javanese traditional food that really famous one. You could meet this food, when you were in small food stall in our country. Actually bakwan has many kinds, there were bakwan from vegetable, sweet corn, and only bakwan sprouts. 
 The fried bakwan made from some of vegetables that sliced thinly covered by flour. Usually this food consumed by Indonesian people to be additional side dish on the table. The taste of this food is delicious also. Because of the recipe is so simple a lot of people like to have this food.
Moreover, you could make fried bakwan by yourself. Because the recipes are very simple and practice, so you don’t find difficulty where you look for the ingredients. You just need to go in vegetable shop that provided vegetable.
There we go for making the fried bakwan. These are the ingredients that you should prepare before start to cook.

100 grams of sprouts
50 grams of green pepper (sliced thinly)
100 grams of cabbage (sliced)
100 grams of carrots (cut in 1cm into stick)
3 leeks (sliced)
5 stalks of celery (sliced)
Cooking oil as you need to fry

The dough flour that you need to mix vegetables above:
150 grams of wheat flour
150 grams of rice flour
2 eggs                                                                            

Seasoning that you should be mashed:
 10 grains of red onion
5 cloves of garlic
2 teaspoons of pepper
1-2 turmeric (burn)
Salt to taste

How to make the fried bakwan:
First, you should combine all of the vegetables ingredients and seasoning into bowl and mix it well, so it would become the bakwan dough.
Next, you need to heat the frying oil the fry it. (Remember, when you are frying the bakwan don’t in hurry just wait until the dough of bakwan fried and also don’t take a long time because it could make your bakwan burn).

Serve it when it is warm.

Gummi Bears bouncin' here and there and everywhere...

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Introducing the BRAND NEW and very colourful teddy fruit gum range at 

 Gummi Bear Bracelet

Click here to see this gum bear bracelet on our website

Our Gummi Bear charms
Click here to see these gummi bear charms on our website
Our Gummi Bear necklaces

Click here to see these gummi bear necklaces on our website

Gum bears are not only popular here at Charm-eleon but also with the stars! 
Check out Katy Perry rocking her very own Gummi bear jewellery below:

Get your hands on these beautiful little bears now!
Which is your favourite?


10% OFF Our Cakey and Kitsch Food Jewellery! ONE WEEK ONLY!

Sunday 23 September 2012

In celebration of International cupcake week, we thought we'd offer all our lovely fans a treat with 10% off all our cakey themed food jewellery products this week! 

From Cupcake necklaces and carrot cake earrings, to French fancy hair slides and our gorgeous blue bow cream sponge cake bracelets, there's a sweet treat for every type of fashionista!



How to make soup of cassava (Cara Membuat Kolak Singkong) easily with smooth taste

Friday 21 September 2012 · Posted in , , , , , ,

Kolak Singkong is also our traditional food. To make kolak singkong or cassava’s soup is easy way to do. Many people would like to have this soup when in the cool weather. In another way we could have this soup through adding the ices in this soup to get fresh taste in hot weather. So weather we consume it in with hot and cool soup,
Cassava' Soup with ice (Kolak Singkong)

Kolak Singkong is also our traditional food especially from Java and Sumatra island. To make kolak singkong or cassava’s soup is easy way to do.
Many people would like to have this soup when in the cool weather. In another way we could have this soup through adding the ices in this soup to get fresh taste in hot weather. So weather we consume it in with hot and cool soup, the cassava soup still tastes delicious. Then for this recipe is very simple one, you just need to boil the cassava until smooth and combine with brown sugar.
Kolak Singkong is also our traditional food especially from Java and Sumatra island
Cassava Soup and Banana
There is secret recipe to make it more delicious. To change the brown sugar is used in the ingredient with sugar palm (gula aren). Then here they are the recipes:

400 grams of cassava (cut in small pieces 4-5 cm), Choose the best cassava to make it (Mempur Cassava)
300 grams of banana (cut in small pieces too)
700 ml of coconut milk
2-5 ounces of sugar
5 ounces of palm sugar
1200 ml water
3 pandan leaves
1 pack of vanilla
10 tablespoons of milk

How to make the Kolak Singkong:
Boil the water and the cassava for about 60 minutes, or (wait until the cassava smooth or tender)
Enter the coconut milk and others ingredient into the boiled water. (you need to wait until they are all well done). It takes for about 10-13 minutes.
Serve it. ;)

Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan) is our traditional food, How to Make Fermented Sticky in Simple Step

Tuesday 18 September 2012 · Posted in , , , ,

Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan) is our traditional food, How to Make Fermented Sticky in Simple Step Fermented sticky is tape that made by Fermentation.
Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan)

Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan) is our traditional food, How to Make Fermented Sticky in Simple Step
Fermented sticky is tape that made by Fermentation.
It was similar with Fermented Cassava. But now we use sticky as the basic material. This fermentation conducted by Saccharomyces kind of mushroom that could change the fructose and glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This traditional food could make our body healthier and kill the cholesterol and cancer. It is very good for us to have it, as a exchange others healthy food.
This fermentation conducted by Saccharomyces kind of mushroom that could change the fructose and glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This traditional food could make our body healthier and kill the cholesterol and cancer.
Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan Hitam)
1 Kilos of White sticky or Black Sticky
3-4 of yeasts that mashed
Banana leaves

How to make it:
First, you have to soak the sticky in the water for about 10-13 hours.
Next, Steam the sticky in the fan (wait until its done)
Add the yeast and mix well.
Using banana leaves to wrap it.
It takes for about 2-3 days for fermentation.

Serve it. 

Unique Recipe Rujak Noodles (Rujak Soun) From Palembang, how to make Rujak

Sunday 16 September 2012 · Posted in , , , ,

Rujak Noodles is a soup combine with vinegar. Rujak noodles comes from Palembang Indonesia, but this food has already consumed by the most society especially in Sumatra and Java Island.
Rujak Noodles (Rujak Soun)

Rujak Noodles is a soup combine with vinegar. Rujak noodles comes from Palembang Indonesia, but this food has already consumed by the most society especially in Sumatra and Java Island.
The taste of Rujak Noodles is salty and hot, but it is very delicious for us. The soup of Rujak could make for Empek-empek and others food. Not only Indonesian, but also many foreigner come from other country would like try this food, when they are in vacation like in Jogjakarta.

For attention, before you will eat this soup. You had better to have some meal before. Because, the vinegar could make your stomach turn around or got stomachache. ;)

Here they are the recipes:
300 grams of wet white noodles soun
150 grams of wet yellow noodles
 150 grams of sprouts
3 cucumbers (cut into pieces)
150 grams of Empek-empek (sliced in pieces as your taste)
30 grams of dried shrimp
150 grams of tofu (cut into pieces)

Seasoning for Rujak suun that should be mashed and boiled with vinegar:
300 grams of brown sugar
10 pieces of curly red chilies
3 pieces of red chilies
2-3 teaspoons to taste
300 ml of water

How to make it:
Boil water and all the seasoning. (Wait until it has boiled)
Put all the ingredients such as noodles, tofu, cucumber, and others into bowl. Then next add the vinegar or soup that you have boild.

Serve it. :)

How to make Emping Melinjo (Cracker chips) Completely, and How to Fry it

Thursday 13 September 2012 · Posted in , , , , , , , , , ,

Emping is one of our traditional foods that have spread into many places and provinces. Emping come from Javanese. This food made from seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia and western pacific ocean. We could find this plan in Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and others.
Emping Melinjo (Cracker chips)
Emping is one of our traditional foods that have spread into many places and provinces. Emping come from Javanese. This food made from seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia
and western pacific ocean. We could find this plan in Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and others. Usually the seeds use to make sour vegetable soup or cracker chips like Emping.

Pohon Melinjo, Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia and western pacific ocean.
Melinjo Trees
We are greatly proud of our traditional foods, because as Indonesian people need a time to know how many traditional foods are available in Indonesia. Indonesia has many foods such as like this. So, We could create our traditional foods base on our place, region, province, and culture. That’s why we try to introduce our traditional food to you all. Indonesia is interesting.

Today, I am going to show you how to make cracker chips from Melinjo seeds.

1 kilo of Melinjo seeds

How to make Emping:

The Fist step take the Melinjo seeds from the tree, so they are going to be like this picture.
Seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum)
Melinjo Seeds
 Then peel the leather from the seeds. 
Seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum)
Melinjo Seeds out of its leather
Next, Roast the melinjo on the frying pan but don't use frying oil.
after that, crashed the melinjo until flat and the leather clean from it. Like this picture.
Next, Roast the melinjo on the frying pan but don't use frying oil.  after that, crashed the melinjo until flat and the leather clean from it. Like this picture.
Crashed Melinjos
Next, Dry the Melinjos that have been flat under the sun, wait until it becomes dry and hard.
Like in this picture
Next, Dry the Melinjos that have been flat under the sun, wait until it becomes dry and hard.  Like in this picture
Dried Melinjos

Then the last step, fry the dry Melinjos into frying fan use frying oil. (wait until well done) then lift.
Serve it. ;)
You may add a little of salt to taste to make it more delicious. 
This food made from seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia and western pacific ocean. We could find this plan in Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and others. Usually the seeds use to make sour vegetable soup or cracker chips like Emping.
Emping Melinjo (Cracker chips)

Sekoeteng Warm Healthy Beverage for Catch Cold, and How to make it (Indonesian Traditional Beverage)

Monday 10 September 2012 · Posted in , , , ,

Indonesian Healthy Beverage from Java Island is very delicious taste. It comes from Java Island especially Jakarta, Western Java and Central Java.
Sekoeteng Healthy Beverage
Sekoeteng Healthy Beverage- Indonesian Healthy Beverage from Java Island is very delicious taste. It comes from Java Island especially Jakarta, Western Java and Central Java. The Sekoeteng has been made by Ginger as the main ingredients. It is like wedang jahe, but in the sekoeteng there were many additional foods that should be added.
The sekoeteng becomes more popular because of the effect of Ginger or Jahe (Indonesian). The contain of Ginger could make hot one’s body when they are getting cold. This drink also could become medicine for somebody who got stomachache, belly up, catch cold and others.
This beverage would be nice to take in the night or cool weather. Then, it is very good for your health. If you want to make by yourself, here they are the recipes:
The Sekouteng Seller
Moreover, the sekoeteng is easy to find in every places Indonesia. Most of Indonesians know about this drink. This beverage would be nice to take in the night or cool weather. Then, it is very good for your health. If you want to make by yourself, here they are the recipes:

70 grams of pearl seeds which is made by jelly or tapioca
15 grams of fro (thinly sliced) you have to boil with pandan leaves befor you mix, it takes for about 15-20 minutes to make the fro would be more smooth.
3 loaf of breads (sliced 1 cm or as your wish)
10 grams of peanuts (fried)
125 grams of beans (steamed)

The ingredients for making Warm Ginger (Wedang Jahe Hangat):
1½ lliters of water
150 grams of ginger (crushed)
4 stalk of lemongrass (crushed)
3-5 pandan leaves
200 grams of sugar
250 grams of white milk

How to make it:
Boil all of the ingredients of wedang jahe such as, ginger, lemongrass, pandan leaves, sugar, and milk.
It takes for about 25-30 minutes wait until the water boild.
Then the last, add the additional ingredients such as, jelly pearl seed, fro, bread, peanuts, and green bean.
Serve when it is hot.

Good luck ;)

Traditional food from Palembang (Sumatra Indonesia), and How to make Pindang Catfish (Ikan Patin)

Sunday 9 September 2012 · Posted in , , ,

Pindang catfish is very famous in Sumatra Island. It was different from Fish Pindang like in Java Island which has been made by tuna steam.
Pindang Catfish (Ikan Patin) from Padang Indonesia
Pindang catfish is very famous in Sumatra Island. It was different from Fish Pindang like in Java Island which has been made by tuna steam.
This food uses catfish to make it and there were much water as it soup. Here they are the recipes:
800 grams of catfish (Ikan Patin)
1000 ml of water

Seasoning that should be mashed:
10 red onions
5 cloves of garlics
6 big red chilies

You need to steam these ingredients as well:
6 cm galangal (thinly sliced)
3 cm turmeric (sliced)
4 cm ginger (sliced)
4 stalks lemongrass (crushed)
15 pieces of cayenne pepper
5 green tomatoes (cut)
4 tamarinds
4 bay leaves
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3½ salt or to taste
2 teaspoons of brown sugar

How to make Pindang Catfish (Ikan Patin)
Wash the catfish, the cut into 4-6 parts or as you want.
Boil water with all of the ingredients of that you have steamed (wait until boiled). Enter catfish and other seasoning, using low heat to cook it (wait until all of the flavors absorbed in the fish just need a few minutes). Lift it.
Serve it.  Give basil to make it more fragrant. ;)

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