Archive for October 2012

Fallen Angel And Scary Dolls - How To Recreate The Look For Halloween!

Monday 29 October 2012

With Halloween creeping up on us this Wednesday and people stocking up on pumpkins, decorations and plenty of booze, there's always that difficult decision on what scary thing to go as each year! Well this year, to help you out, I thought I'd share a couple of creepy looks that have already been tried and tested last weekend! 
I love 'how to get the look' blog posts so seeing as I ventured out dressed as a fallen angel on Saturday night, I thought I would share my spooky face and tell you what I used to create the look! There's no need to splash out on unnecessary makeup sets and overpriced costumes. All you need is your makeup box, a couple of mates and a bit of creativity and here's how to do it. (I apoligise for the pictures not being the best quality):

  1. Start with your best moisturiser or primer to set your skin up for long last perfection.
  2. complete your base makeup as normal using foundation and power to set, however if you wish to go for a paler look use a base makeup that is lighter than your natural skin colour. 
  3. Apply bronzer and blusher (however if you wish to have a ghostly skin tone leave these two out)
  4. Fill in your eyebrows with a dark brown or black eyebrow liner for a more dramatic look.
  5. Using a light blue eye shadow (you may wish to use one that contains glitter) cover your eyelid up to the halfway point between your lid and eyebrow.
  6. Fill in the rest of the space with a white eyeshadow and blend down towards your eyelid so that the white now fades into blue.
  7. Using a black eyeliner circle your eyes from your inner inner eye all the way round ready to join and cover your tear duct.
  8.  From the outer corner of your eye flick the eyeliner into various curl shapes to the halfway point between your brow and hairline and then down to the bottom of your ear. Build up the colour until the middle of the pattern is completely black. 
  9. Take a glitter eyeliner and draw glittery lines inbetween the ones drawn with your black eyeliner. Once you have filled every gap flick some glitter lines from the black middle outwards to join the others. 
  10. Take a thick black pencil liner and fill in your lips, starting with your lip line (You can extend this if you want a fuller looking pout) and filling in the middle.
  11. Finally take a bottle of fake blood (available everywhere around this time of year) and drip it from the corner of your bottom lip halfway down your chin.
  12. As for your hair, I backcombed mine for a 'just out of bed look', however there's plenty of colour sprays and scary hair accessories for you to have some fun!

If you don't feel like going as a fallen angel/ evil fairy give the look below a try instead. My two friends dressed as very scary looking dolls and generously let me share their look and how to create it too.  

  1. Start with your best moisturiser or primer to set your skin up for long last perfection.
  2. complete your base makeup as normal using foundation and power to set, however if you wish to go for a paler look use a base makeup that is lighter than your natural skin colour. 
  3. Apply a generous amount of blusher on each cheek for a doll like appearance
  4. using white halloween paint, a white eyeliner or white eyeshadow draw a half circle of white under each eye as big or small as you like. 
  5. Using a black eyeliner create a line around this semi circle and draw on fake eyelashes as the bottom to create the illusion of larger eyes. 
  6. Spot on small or large freckles on each cheek
  7. For doll lips, use a red lipstick or pencil to draw small lips on the inside of your own to give the look of a permanent pout. 
  8. For a scary touch add stiches or scars across your neck, cheeks or forehead
  9. For your costume why splash out on a dolls dress or spend hours making your own? Every girl has a little black dress in her wardrobe and a couple of bows in your draw so nows the time to make use of them!
Get creating! :D
Charm-eleon news: We're giving our lovely fans a spooky 15% OFF SELECTED PRODUCTS for this week only! (Ends 4th November)
 Check out our website and treat yourself or a loved one to something special! 




Healthy ways to Consume Instant Noodle (Cara Sehat Mengkonsumsi Mie Instant)

Sunday 28 October 2012 · Posted in

Instant Noodle is kind of fast food that consist a lot of MSG, other combination of this food used wax kind of candle or paraffin. Absolutely everyone knows about this food. I don’t want to mention its brand. Almost every one likes to consume this food because they have opinion that it is very simple food (easy to cook/made it). Starting from the younger till the old most of people in Indonesia like to have this food.
Instant Noodle
Instant Noodle is kind of fast food that consist a lot of MSG, other combination of this food used wax kind of candle or paraffin. Absolutely everyone knows about this food. I don’t want to mention its brand. Almost every one likes to consume this food because they have opinion that it is very simple food (easy to cook/made it). Starting from the younger till the old most of people in Indonesia like to have this food.

But one thing that you should know, over consuming this nice food could be bad effects on your body. Above all, you should consume this food rarely.
The noodle’s seasoning that include in the pack of the instant noodles has a lot of MSG and other seasoning. If we consume MSG too much, it will make us easy to get stomachaches and heat in our throat. Moreover, instant noodle has low nutrient.

There is a case that perhaps could make us to consider having this food. My friends should be hospitalized because he always consumes instant noodles every day. He got the cancer in his intestines and maag (suffer a stomach disorder). But now, a lot of nice food that he must leave now, it’s probably because his pain in stomach.

But I have several tips to cook noodle in order to reduce the effect of the instant noodle that we will consume.
When, you will cook instant noodle. You should prepare the additional water to exchange the first water boil from the noodle. The water in the first boiling is not health. It consists of a lot of preservative from instant noodle. That’s way you should exchange the first water into the second water of boiling noodle. So, throw the fist boiling water of instant noodle then change with new water to boil again.
Exchange the fist water with new water boil ;)
  • When, you will cook instant noodle. You should prepare the additional water to exchange the first water boil from the noodle. The water in the first boiling is not health. It consists of a lot of preservative from instant noodle. That’s way you should exchange the first water into the second water of boiling noodle. So, throw the fist boiling water of instant noodle then change with new water to boil again.
  • Giving additional vegetables on your instant noodle and eggs for supply our body nutrient.
  • You’d better to use a half of the seasoning of the instant noodles. If it lacks of salt, just give salt in your kitchen.
  • STOP consuming it every day, because our body needs to push out of the body from the dangerous substance. And then, we need to drink a lot of mineral water to help it out of our body.

That’s the tips for you we all in order to reduce consuming instant noodle frequently.

Keep Your Health, Thanks ;)
Written by Ady,

The dangerous of junk foods (fast food), Junk foods could cause health problem and mental disorders (Bahaya Terlalu Sering Mengkonsumsi Gorengan)

Saturday 20 October 2012 · Posted in

Cheap and Nice food is the junk food. Junk food is the fast food that usually a lot of people like to have it. But, one thing that you should know junk food could be health problem; moreover it could be mental disorders. How could It be?
Buying Junk Foods

Cheap and Nice food is the junk food. Junk food is the fast food that usually a lot of people like to have it. But, one thing that you should know junk food could be health problem; moreover it could be mental disorders. How could It be? Let’s take a look on my posting.

Junk food is one of fast food that contains of much oil within. Our body needs much water that every day that we should take. But, how it comes? If our body consists of oil, absolutely it could disturb our organ too. Did you ever see the chef or seller of junk food cooking?? Did you know what’s kind of oil that they use to fry the junk food?? Did you know, that they must be used FREE COLESTEROL OIL? Of course you don’t know. Is it right? If it is right you should consider buying the junk food. It would be better to cook by yourself at home than buy in random places.
Fat body
Junk food is one of fast food that contains of much oil within. Our body needs much water that every day that we should take. But, how it comes? If our body consists of oil, absolutely it could disturb our organ too. Did you ever see the chef or seller of junk food cooking?? Did you know what’s kind of oil that they use to fry the junk food?? Did you know, that they must be used FREE COLESTEROL OIL? Of course you don’t know. Is it right? If it is right you should consider buying the junk food. It would be better to cook by yourself at home than buy in random places.
 It must be known by that all of people that junk food made FAT (Cause of its Cholesterol), in other hand the junk food can us got mental disorders, psychological problems, anxiety, hyperactivity, and brain disturbance.
Junk Foods in random places 
Here I am going to share you, a little bit of my information, that junk food could break our health. It must be known by that all of people that junk food made FAT (Cause of its Cholesterol), in other hand the junk food can us got mental disorders, psychological problems, anxiety, hyperactivity, and brain disturbance.

Mental disorders:
The most contains of junk foods are saturated that could affect cell on the brain, it called neurotransmitter. Somebody who continually consume saturated will damage their mental. It could be depression. Because the big amount of vitamins and mineral lost of your body, so your hormones and blood pressure become high, and then could disturb your brain process.

The most contains of junk foods are saturated that could affect cell on the brain, it called neurotransmitter. Somebody who continually consume saturated will damage their mental. It could be depression. Because the big amount of vitamins and mineral lost of your body, so your hormones and blood pressure become high, and then could disturb your brain process.
Mind Disorders, Pic source from Google

  • Psychological problems: 

Some of experts said that junk foods could cause physical problems and changes the brain function. You will be addicted of this delicious food then make you easy to get high emotional.

  • Anxiety:

Because you lacking of omega-3 or fatty acids and carbohydrates can make you get excessive anxiety, shaking, and fatigue.

  • Hyperactivity:

Too much consume sodium benzoates, artificial dyes, and all of the food that consist of high calories sugar can make you hyperactive. Also the junk food is one of them.

  • Break your brain:

Preservatives, artificial colors, unhealthy fats, refined carbohydrates are also available in junk foods. It means that the junk foods it unhealthy food will make you get a lot of mental problems. Many experts in health care suggest to us to leave the junk food.

Back to the Natural by consuming vegetables and natural foods it the best way to solve it and also changing your menu of healthy eating. 

Written by Ady,'

The ageless beauty is a dream of everyone, How to keep your skin young, Foods and Fruits that could make our skin tight and fresh (Tips Awet Muda Konsumsi Makanan dan Buah Sehat)

Sunday 14 October 2012 · Posted in

Ageless is a dream of everyone, How to keep your skin body always young, Foods that could make your body healthy, strong enough, and attractive.
Ageless is yours

The ageless beauty is a dream of everyone, How to keep your skin body always young, Foods that could make your body healthy, strong enough, and attractive.
Of course every one wants to have that body. Many experts said that inside of healthy body there was strong soul. It means that if you want to keep your body in ageless, you should take care of yourself.

There are several ways that you could take to keep your body health and fit absolutely look young. By often consuming these fruits believed to maintain the beauty and health of your skin. The fruits that could help us to get our beauty is the fruits that has a lot of vitamins E. The skin naturally needs Vitamin E to exchange died cells in our skin in order to get the new cells.

Here they are the lists of fruits that good food for us to consume to keep our skin beauty. 

1. Avocado
The avocado contains of many fatty oils and vitamin B complex that have nutrients for the skin. The function of avocado could make your skin smooth and keep the color from irritation.
The avocado contains of many fatty oils and vitamin B complex that have nutrients for the skin. The function of avocado could make your skin smooth and keep the color from irritation.

2. Almond
Almond has a lot of vitamins E that good for skin. The oil could reserve vitamins for our skin especially in our face. Usually it used for additional dough to make masker.

Almond has a lot of vitamins E that good for skin. The oil could reserve vitamins for our skin especially in our face. Usually it used for additional dough to make masker.

3. Cottage (Chesse)
It this could prevent your skin from cancer skin that is very dangerous because of sun’ radiation.
Cottage (Chesse)

It this could prevent your skin from cancer skin that is very dangerous because of sun’ radiation.

4. Mushrooms
Mushrooms have full of vitamins B2 that could repair died cells on our face that usually make stain or spot. Another used of mushrooms could help pain in the body that usually come after got surgery or injuries.

Mushrooms have full of vitamins B2 that could repair died cells on our face that usually make stain or spot. Another used of mushrooms could help pain in the body that usually come after got surgery or injuries.

5. Mango
Mango contains of vitamin A and C that keep our sight in old age.

Mango contains of vitamin A and C that keep our sight in old age.

6. Clam
The calm also could help to increase the production of elastin enzim because it has a lot of Zinc, This is kind of protein to make our skin could be along elastic and support vitamin C that we have got in our body.

The calm also could help to increase the production of elastin enzim because it has a lot of Zinc, This is kind of protein to make our skin could be along elastic and support vitamin C that we have got in our body.

7. Baked potato
Bake potato has same function with Clam because it contains of Zinc and Vitamin C to produce more elastin to construct skin structure, preventing skin becomes rough and wrinkle.
Baked potato

Bake potato has same function with Clam because it contains of Zinc and Vitamin C to produce more elastin to construct skin structure, preventing skin becomes rough and wrinkle.

Back to the NATURE is the best traditional way to keep your beauty in healthy way. ;)
By.  Ady Mifarizki

A little story of Pekempek Palembang and Pekempek in My Campus

Saturday 13 October 2012 · Posted in ,

This good chance, I would like to share you about little bit information about Empek-empek Palembang. What does empek-empek Palembang mean? It was name of our traditional food that’s very famous in our country. East to the west, west to the east around Indonesia has known about this traditional food. It made from flour and tapioca that using additional recipe like fish that has mashed that. We will boil it with water. Next time, I will show you how to make it.

Empek-empek comes from one of city in Palembang that is Bari. A small town, which has clean environment. Bari is the famous town because of it was clean, safety, tidy. A lot people feel comfort stayed there.  Many traditional foods that comes from Bari with unique name for everyone namely: Tekwan, Cellor Noodles, Pempek Adaan, PemPek Kapal Selam, and many others.

You know what? The unique name has made a lot people want to have that delicious food. The name of empek-empek comes from a Tionghoa descent that ever leaved in Palembang (Sumatra) that sold empek-empek or pempek who went around using bicycle. The person called “pek…apek” because of the basic dough made from fish that has mashed.

Others story from empek-empek or pekempek. Long time ago there were a king that felt very sad because he didn’t like food that served on the kingdom. And because his majesty he commanded to look for a person who mastered in cooking and making competition of chef. One of his challenges is making food that contains of three tastes which were sweet, salty, sour, hot, and unique appearance. For the winner the king would ask him to be one of chef of his royal. Then it attracted a lot attention many people.  Many people came to follow that competition. Finally the man from who called “apek” had the unique food that had basic dough “cuko” (Palembang name) or other its name vinegar. He was the winner of that competition, so the food called Pekempek from the king.

Here they are many kinds of empek-empek of Palembang:
1. Pek empek Kapal Selam
Kapal Selam
2. Pek empek Adaan

3. Pek Empek Dos

4. Tekwan

5. Celimpungan

6. Mie celor (Noodles Celor)
Mie celor

Then Next let's compare with Pekempek Biasa (Nothing special on it). This called pekempek biasa because of the dough on it nothing special just using traditional contains, there is no fish in the dough. This Pekempek is very cheap and easy to find it in every where in Indonesia. Usually this pekempek biasa sold by seller on the way the sell it with low price only Rp. 500,- per one. And let's take a look on this picture, I took this picture the different pekempek in Palembang and pekempek biasa. Absolutely it was not too delicious enough. But, it's okay for someone especially for the students, because it is so cheap. :D he he he 
Then Next let's compare with Pekempek Biasa (Nothing special on it). This called pekempek biasa because of the dough on it nothing special just using traditional contains, there is no fish in the dough. This Pekempek is very cheap and easy to find it in every where in Indonesia. Usually this pekempek biasa sold by seller on the way the sell it with low price only Rp. 500,- per one. And let's take a look on this picture, I took this picture the different pekempek in Palembang and pekempek biasa. Absolutely it was not too delicious enough. But, it's okay for someone especially for the students, because so cheap. :D he he he
Pekempek Biasa, in my campus ;) he he he so cheap

How to make Ice Fro (Kolang-Kaling), Traditional Indonesian Fresh Drink from Central Java

Thursday 11 October 2012 · Posted in , , ,

Ice fro is the fresh beverage for cooling down your thirsty in hot weather. Ice fro has original name that is Kolang-kaling. It is kind of plant that grow up in our country. This fruits also could be additional stuff for making Kolak or Cassava and Banana soup. Ice fro comes from central java which is popular with another ice such as: Ice Dawet Ayu, Ice Degan (Coconuts), and many others. When you visit Indonesia, don’t have any hesitation to enjoy this beverage.
 Ice Fro (Kolang-Kaling)
Ice fro is the fresh beverage for cooling down your thirsty in hot weather. Ice fro has original name that is Kolang-kaling.
It is kind of plant that grow up in our country. This fruits also could be additional stuff for making Kolak or Cassava and Banana soup. Ice fro comes from central java which is popular with another ice such as: Ice Dawet Ayu, Ice Degan (Coconuts), and many others. When you visit Indonesia, don’t have any hesitation to enjoy this beverage.
But now I will give the recipes, how to make Ice Fro or Kolang-Kaling. Here they are the recipes:

300 grams of fro (Thinly sliced)
200grams of sugar
600 ml of water
A little bit of red dye
150 ml of red syrup (It looks like Marjan Syrup or others)
4 tablespoons of lemon juice
400 grams drained canned lychees
1 pack of gelatinous white
600 ml of water
250 grams of sugar
Sweetened condensed milk
ice cube

How to make it:
First, cook water, sugar, fro, and red dye until boil and tender, until the water dried up, (Remove and drain)
Second way, sugar and 600 ml of water, cook untul boiling. Pour in the pan, let it freeze. (Shave the gelatin lengthwise)
Enter in a glass, jelly grawstring, lychees, sweetened milk and red syrup, (Adding the Ice Cube)

Serve it

How to make easy chips from banana (Banana Chips) Indonesia Traditional Food, Keripik Pisang

Banana Chips is our traditional food, especially for snack this food becomes more famous cause has the slim shape and nice taste. This chip has been our traditional food since our ancestor gives the tips how to take care on banana. Banana is our plants that grow up fertile in Asia. Perhaps, it causes the climate that is appropriate in Indonesia. From the west till the east, we could find the banana plant and all of them grow up fertile.
Banana Chips

Banana Chips is our traditional food, especially for snack this food becomes more famous cause has the slim shape and nice taste.
This chip has been our traditional food since our ancestor gives the tips how to take care on banana. Banana is our plants that grow up fertile in Asia. Perhaps, it causes the climate that is appropriate in Indonesia. From the west till the east, we could find the banana plant and all of them grow up fertile.

Banana is our plants that grow up fertile in Asia. Perhaps, it causes the climate that is appropriate in Indonesia. From the west till the east, we could find the banana plant and all of them grow up fertile.
Raw banana to make chips banana
It becomes our tradition when the people make the banana as our additional food. The banana could be porridge, chips, fried banana, or desserts. Beside that the monkey like banana. The banana usually grow up in the jungle, but now you could find the banana trees in every single village in Indonesia.

Here they are the recipes to make banana chips:
1 kilos banana
2 -4 teaspoons of whiting (to make the banana more be crackers)
2 litter water
2 kg cooking oil

How to make the spices that need to be mashed:
10 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons of coriander
3 cm turmeric
4-6 tablespoons of salt or as your wish (just to make your chips delicious)

How to make the chips banana:
Peel the banana from the skin then wash with water and slice thinly in long shape for about 5-4 cm.
Add the spices into water then put the slice banana wait till the spices infiltrate on the banana.
Fry it, don’t do such as long frying, cause it could make your banana chips burn.

Enjoy ;)

Bracelet Set Giveaway From Raffles Bizarre

Friday 5 October 2012

Happy Friday Charm-eleon Fans, do we have a treat in store for you today!

We've joined with the very stylish Raffle Bizarre jewellery company to bring you a funky new giveaway with a very exciting twist. Not only can you win a lovely festival bracelet set from Raffles Bizarre, you can also pop over to their blog for the chance to win one of our gorgeous little cherry cupcake bracelets here:

This is the fabulous festival bracelet set you could win.

It's really easy to enter too! Simply use the RaffleCopter form below (the only mandatory condition is that you be a follower of this blog via GFC) and fill in as much as you can to earn as many extra votes as possible :) 

The giveaway will run for about a week and then each of us will announce our winners

Good Luck 



Please note: winners will be drawn separately on each blog, you don't automatically win both pieces

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