The dangerous of junk foods (fast food), Junk foods could cause health problem and mental disorders (Bahaya Terlalu Sering Mengkonsumsi Gorengan)

Saturday 20 October 2012 · Posted in

Cheap and Nice food is the junk food. Junk food is the fast food that usually a lot of people like to have it. But, one thing that you should know junk food could be health problem; moreover it could be mental disorders. How could It be?
Buying Junk Foods

Cheap and Nice food is the junk food. Junk food is the fast food that usually a lot of people like to have it. But, one thing that you should know junk food could be health problem; moreover it could be mental disorders. How could It be? Let’s take a look on my posting.

Junk food is one of fast food that contains of much oil within. Our body needs much water that every day that we should take. But, how it comes? If our body consists of oil, absolutely it could disturb our organ too. Did you ever see the chef or seller of junk food cooking?? Did you know what’s kind of oil that they use to fry the junk food?? Did you know, that they must be used FREE COLESTEROL OIL? Of course you don’t know. Is it right? If it is right you should consider buying the junk food. It would be better to cook by yourself at home than buy in random places.
Fat body
Junk food is one of fast food that contains of much oil within. Our body needs much water that every day that we should take. But, how it comes? If our body consists of oil, absolutely it could disturb our organ too. Did you ever see the chef or seller of junk food cooking?? Did you know what’s kind of oil that they use to fry the junk food?? Did you know, that they must be used FREE COLESTEROL OIL? Of course you don’t know. Is it right? If it is right you should consider buying the junk food. It would be better to cook by yourself at home than buy in random places.
 It must be known by that all of people that junk food made FAT (Cause of its Cholesterol), in other hand the junk food can us got mental disorders, psychological problems, anxiety, hyperactivity, and brain disturbance.
Junk Foods in random places 
Here I am going to share you, a little bit of my information, that junk food could break our health. It must be known by that all of people that junk food made FAT (Cause of its Cholesterol), in other hand the junk food can us got mental disorders, psychological problems, anxiety, hyperactivity, and brain disturbance.

Mental disorders:
The most contains of junk foods are saturated that could affect cell on the brain, it called neurotransmitter. Somebody who continually consume saturated will damage their mental. It could be depression. Because the big amount of vitamins and mineral lost of your body, so your hormones and blood pressure become high, and then could disturb your brain process.

The most contains of junk foods are saturated that could affect cell on the brain, it called neurotransmitter. Somebody who continually consume saturated will damage their mental. It could be depression. Because the big amount of vitamins and mineral lost of your body, so your hormones and blood pressure become high, and then could disturb your brain process.
Mind Disorders, Pic source from Google

  • Psychological problems: 

Some of experts said that junk foods could cause physical problems and changes the brain function. You will be addicted of this delicious food then make you easy to get high emotional.

  • Anxiety:

Because you lacking of omega-3 or fatty acids and carbohydrates can make you get excessive anxiety, shaking, and fatigue.

  • Hyperactivity:

Too much consume sodium benzoates, artificial dyes, and all of the food that consist of high calories sugar can make you hyperactive. Also the junk food is one of them.

  • Break your brain:

Preservatives, artificial colors, unhealthy fats, refined carbohydrates are also available in junk foods. It means that the junk foods it unhealthy food will make you get a lot of mental problems. Many experts in health care suggest to us to leave the junk food.

Back to the Natural by consuming vegetables and natural foods it the best way to solve it and also changing your menu of healthy eating. 

Written by Ady,'

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