The ageless beauty is a dream of everyone, How to keep your skin young, Foods and Fruits that could make our skin tight and fresh (Tips Awet Muda Konsumsi Makanan dan Buah Sehat)

Sunday 14 October 2012 · Posted in

Ageless is a dream of everyone, How to keep your skin body always young, Foods that could make your body healthy, strong enough, and attractive.
Ageless is yours

The ageless beauty is a dream of everyone, How to keep your skin body always young, Foods that could make your body healthy, strong enough, and attractive.
Of course every one wants to have that body. Many experts said that inside of healthy body there was strong soul. It means that if you want to keep your body in ageless, you should take care of yourself.

There are several ways that you could take to keep your body health and fit absolutely look young. By often consuming these fruits believed to maintain the beauty and health of your skin. The fruits that could help us to get our beauty is the fruits that has a lot of vitamins E. The skin naturally needs Vitamin E to exchange died cells in our skin in order to get the new cells.

Here they are the lists of fruits that good food for us to consume to keep our skin beauty. 

1. Avocado
The avocado contains of many fatty oils and vitamin B complex that have nutrients for the skin. The function of avocado could make your skin smooth and keep the color from irritation.
The avocado contains of many fatty oils and vitamin B complex that have nutrients for the skin. The function of avocado could make your skin smooth and keep the color from irritation.

2. Almond
Almond has a lot of vitamins E that good for skin. The oil could reserve vitamins for our skin especially in our face. Usually it used for additional dough to make masker.

Almond has a lot of vitamins E that good for skin. The oil could reserve vitamins for our skin especially in our face. Usually it used for additional dough to make masker.

3. Cottage (Chesse)
It this could prevent your skin from cancer skin that is very dangerous because of sun’ radiation.
Cottage (Chesse)

It this could prevent your skin from cancer skin that is very dangerous because of sun’ radiation.

4. Mushrooms
Mushrooms have full of vitamins B2 that could repair died cells on our face that usually make stain or spot. Another used of mushrooms could help pain in the body that usually come after got surgery or injuries.

Mushrooms have full of vitamins B2 that could repair died cells on our face that usually make stain or spot. Another used of mushrooms could help pain in the body that usually come after got surgery or injuries.

5. Mango
Mango contains of vitamin A and C that keep our sight in old age.

Mango contains of vitamin A and C that keep our sight in old age.

6. Clam
The calm also could help to increase the production of elastin enzim because it has a lot of Zinc, This is kind of protein to make our skin could be along elastic and support vitamin C that we have got in our body.

The calm also could help to increase the production of elastin enzim because it has a lot of Zinc, This is kind of protein to make our skin could be along elastic and support vitamin C that we have got in our body.

7. Baked potato
Bake potato has same function with Clam because it contains of Zinc and Vitamin C to produce more elastin to construct skin structure, preventing skin becomes rough and wrinkle.
Baked potato

Bake potato has same function with Clam because it contains of Zinc and Vitamin C to produce more elastin to construct skin structure, preventing skin becomes rough and wrinkle.

Back to the NATURE is the best traditional way to keep your beauty in healthy way. ;)
By.  Ady Mifarizki

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