How to cook Lontong, Indonesian Traditional food good best Recipe (Lontong Pecel)

Friday 31 August 2012 · Posted in , , , , ,

Lontong is rice steamed that covered by plastic; this food becomes our traditional food because of almost in every year people have to make it.
Lontong Pecel
Lontong is rice steamed that covered by plastic; this food becomes our traditional food because of every year Indonesian people will make it. Indonesian people usually made this food for celebrate Eid Mubarak, or another celebration day.
Even we could find lontong in a small restaurant, Indonesian society still need to make it bay their self. Lontong has another name that is “Ketupat”, which is covered by young coconut leaf. Usually lontong served with vegetable and peanut sauce to completed.
Even we could find lontong in a small restaurant, Indonesian society still need to make it bay their self. Lontong has another name that is “Ketupat”
Lontong Covered by Plastic
Even we could find lontong in a small restaurant, Indonesian society still need to make it bay their self. Lontong has another name that is “Ketupat”
Lontong Covered by leaf

500 grams of rice (clean and soak in water for about an hour)
Plastic, or Young coconout leaf or banana leaf (for covering the rice)

120 grams of green bean (cut into pieces)
100 grams of sprouts
150 grams of spinach
100 grams of cabbage

Seasoning to make Peanut Sauce (Sambel Pecel) mashed all these ingredients:
100 grams of peanuts
15 red peppers
10 cayenne peppers
1 lime leaves
3 cm galingale
4 garlics
6 red onions
Brown sugar
Shrimp paste

How to cook Lontong (Lontong Pecel):
The first step is, cover the entire rise in plastics or leaf (boil until cooked) then lift.
Mashed all of sauce ingredients in a mortar, then mix with vegetables (stir well).
Cut lontong that has already done in pieces for about 1 cm, then combine with vegetables and sauce.
Add the cracker then Serve.

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