How to Make Tempe Penyet/ Tempe Penyet Sauce (Traitional Food from East Java)

Monday 27 August 2012 · Posted in , ,

Tempe and tofu has become one of the additional menus (dish) in Indonesia. Starting from the middle to lower, societies choose tempe as a substitute food for meat and fish.
Tempe Penyet Recipe
Tempe and tofu has become one of the additional menus (dish) in Indonesia. Starting from the middle to lower, societies choose tempe as a substitute food for meat and fish. Due to its nutrient that similar to other foods, so that tempe and tofu has become staple food for Indonesia society. Today, I will share tips on how to cook tempe.

 This is the first recipe that I would give to you to cook tempe although many others tips how to cook tempe. The next post, I would like to give other tips for you. Tempe penyet is traditional food from east java that has been known by all society in Indonesia. So, you could be easy to find this food even you are not in east java. Here they are the recipes that use to cook tempe penyet.


  • 15 pieces of tempe that we have cut into a small pieces 4x5x1 cm
  • 250 chicken broth
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of coriander (roasted and mashed)

Sauce (Mashed all of these seasoning):

  • 7 pieces of red chili
  • 7 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 5 pieces of red onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of shrimp paste (terasi)


  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Basil
  • Cabbage
  • Lettuce

How to cook Tempe Penyet:

  1. Soak tempe in  water that has been added salt, broth and coriander, let it takes for about 5 minutes. So that the flavors absorbed in tempe. Then fry until cooked.
  2. Heat 5-6 tablespoons of cooking oil then fry the sauce that you have mashed. Lift the sauce whenever it smelt fragrant. Next put the tempe on the mortar, add the sauce, and push the tempe until flat.
  3. Serve with vegetables such as cucumber, tomatoes, basil, cabbage, lettuce.

Enjoy it ;)

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