How to Make Rice Tastes Delicious (Indonesian Nasi Pulen)

Saturday 25 August 2012 · Posted in ,

Rice is one of Indonesian basic food that is really common in our society especially Javanese. Probably it was different from other countries.
Indonesian Rice Pulen
Rice is one of Indonesian basic food that is really common in our society especially Javanese. Probably it was different from other countries. If we are talking about rice, it’s surely has a lot of carbohydrates. So that Indonesian chooses rice as a basic food.

People said that rice that we have consumed every day could make our stomach full and doesn’t feel hungry anymore. But it was so different, if we consume other foods without rice just full for awhile. So the rice is still popular in our country.

Probably you could find many kinds of rice in the market, just choose the best one to get the best taste. Today I am going to show you how to cook rice with Indonesian traditional method that is very secrete way. So you could get the best result when you cook the rice. It is called (Nasi Pulen/Sego Pulen). This is Indonesian’s method that becomes the secret many restaurants in our country.


  • Using rice that has a good quality
  • White gelatin powder
  • Lime Juice
  • Pandan Leave

How to cook the rice:

Enter the rice in the rice cooker, then give the water and also add the pandan leave (but be careful don’t be too much and lack of water).
When you are cooking rice splash a little of lime juice then add a little the gelatin powder into your rice. You have to know that the comparison of gelatin powder should ½ of pack in one liter of rice.

Tips for cooking rice:

When we are done, plug out the rice cooker (Magic Com) from the electricity then open the rice cooker. Let the vapor of the rice out, then clean the water in the top with a napkin then close.

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