How to Make “Fried Tempe” (Tempe Mendoan) Delicious Taste from Indonesian Food

Because of the fried tempe has been available in all most of region of Indonesia Java Island, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok know this food. One of fried tempe that is very famous is “Tempe Mendoan”.
Tempe Mendoan
Fried Tempe is the most popular of Indonesian food. Because of the fried tempe has been available in all most of region of Indonesia Java Island, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok know this food. One of fried tempe that is very famous is “Tempe Mendoan”.
Tempe mendoan comes from purwokerto. Now not only purwokerto, but also every places provided this food, then I am sure you can find it wherever in our country.  

750 grams of Tempe (soya bean cake then sliced wide)
400 grams wheat flour
2 teaspoons of tapioca
500 ml of water
3 leeks (slice thinly)
Frying oil to fry

Seasonings that should be mashed:
4-5 garlics
2½ teaspoons salt
½ teaspoons of coriander
Galingale (optional)

Soy Sauce Delicious Taste (mashed):
4-7 tablespoons soy sauce
1 clove garlic
2 red onions
5 pieces of red chili
Salt to taste

How to cook TempeGoreng “Fried Tempe”:
Mix all the ingredients namely: wheat flour, tapioca, water, leeks add little salt to taste stir well.
Enter the Tempe into the dough then fry it, wait until it has cooked. Lift
Serve with soy sauce or you could consume it while you are eating.

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